「A片女神 深喉嚨 」Lovelace /2012/92分
這片,真是讓我充滿驚喜。先是,Deep Throat,除了是-
Thirty-one years after Nixon's resignation and eleven years after Nixon's death, Deep Throat was revealed to be former Federal Bureau of Investigation Associate Director Mark Felt.[1]
Deep Throat還是一部經典的色情片,狂賣、受歡迎的程度,讓Linda Susan Borema的手印、腳印都留在Hollywood Pussycat-
Deep Throat is a 1972 American pornographic film written and directed by Gerard Damiano, who was listed in the credits as "Jerry Gerard"; produced by Louis Peraino, who was credited as "Lou Perry"; and starring Linda Lovelace, the pseudonym given to Linda Susan Boreman.
One of the first pornographic films to feature a plot, character development and relatively high production standards, Deep Throat earned mainstream attention and launched the "porno chic" trend despite the film being banned in some regions and the subject of obscenity trials.[2]
Linda Susan Boreman本人 與演員Amanda Seyfried 比一比
那位女主角- Linda Susan Boreman(1949-2002)的故事,居然也能拍成一部電影。她,遇人不淑,被老公Chuck Traynor強迫拍色情電影,居然還一炮而紅,變成公眾人物;但老公卻強迫她接客、遭性虐待、毆打、還持槍恐嚇…。媽媽也不挺她,較她「順從老公」(也算吃人的禮教/天主教)。終於,她逃出混帳老公魔掌,另組家庭;又勇敢的、赤裸的將生平寫成書- “Ordeal”(《折磨》in 1980),希望能給不幸的姊妹勇氣;還成為反色情運動(Anti-pornography movement)的代言人。