《歡迎來到布達佩斯大飯店》The Grand Budapest Hotel/2014
片中的布達佩斯大飯店,因為法西斯入侵而變調,經理遭難,經營易手。對布達佩斯大飯店門僮Zero Moustafa而言,他在因戰亂非法移民到歐洲之後,得到飯店經理M. Gustave H.賞識、培訓,終於可以獨當一面,也認識了做蛋糕女友-Agatha,….;但最後,老闆因營救他被殺,妻小因「墨西哥流感」同亡,飯店落寞蒙塵、客人稀少,老年寂寞的Zero Moustafa,即使擁有眾多遺產,仍找不到開心的理由,每年3次回布達佩斯大飯店度假,堅持住當年當小廝時的角落小房間,緬懷……..所有往日的美好。「追憶逝水年華」-歐洲、哈布士堡、普魯士,歷經「西方的沒落」,即使過氣的貴族,舉手投足之間,仍堅持有著貴氣與尊嚴。貴族的品味與信念,不會因強權入侵、生命受要脅而失禮,不卑不亢,始終相信人性中有光明。
簡單的梗,在編劇巧思下,被包裝得十分有趣。如,年邁的Mr. Moustafa,因在布達佩斯飯店巧遇一位作家,而說出這個故事,中間還有淺扯到一位貴婦Madame D.被謀殺、遺產分配爭議、偷竊名畫”Boy with Apple”、冤獄、越獄、殺手一連串滅口、法西斯入侵。
(ps.剛剛google才知道這片中焦點-價值連城、貴婦的遺產、失蹤的名畫,是導演委託當代畫家Michael Taylor仿古作品,我被耍了,還真以為”Boy with Apple”是文藝復興時名作)
….Michael Taylor, an artist who we have worked with for almost 10 years and who has held two successful solo exhibitions with us, is currently enjoyed a rather raised profile due to his collaboration with the film director Wes Anderson. Michael is no stranger to high profile exhibitions. Four of his paintings are in the collection of the Nation Portrait Gallery after all. But a new work (Boy with Apple) plays a central part in Anderson major new film, The Grand Budapest Hotel. Here Michael explains the process of producing the artwork and something of the paintings role in the film.
Film director Wes Anderson approached me in 2012 to paint a fictional Renaissance portrait to be titled 'Boy with Apple' for his next film The Grand Budapest Hotel. The plot pivots around the theft and recovery of a priceless portrait by Renaissance master Johannes Van Hoytl. Intrigued by the script and surprised to hear that he intended to commission a real portrait, I decided to come onboard. For inspiration Wes bombarded me with a bewildering selection of images by Bronzino, 17th Century Dutch painters, Durers, all kinds of stuff, even some Tudor portraits. I found this terribly confusing at first until I realized that each image contained some required element that had to be worked into the painting. He clearly knew exactly what he wanted; it was just that nothing quite like it yet existed. It was an irresistible challenge.[1]